Google Maps500 South 3rd, Box 398 , Cathlamet, WA 98612
Phone: 360-795-3271   Fax: 360-795-0545

Want to Immediately
Report a Concern or Incident? 

Use the Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Anonymous Tip Line 
Email or Text Info to: 

File a Citizen Complaint 

Need more info on school safety? Have a concern? 
Wahkiakum School District Superintendent, 
or call 360-795-3971. 

Safety Center Logo

As reflected in the Wahkiakum School District Vision Statement, student safety is one of our District's primary goals.

Learning is the mutual responsibility of the student, staff, and the parents. The goals of this vision are:

  • To provide and maintain a positive school environment that enhances the learning experience for students.
  • To create, model, and maintain a school climate that develops acceptable social interaction and behavior.
  • To provide an equal education opportunity for all.
  • To incorporate technology into the educational environment to assist in meeting educational goals.


School Safety Resources


Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying (HIB)

Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying (HIB) Reporting Form If you or your student have witnessed or been involved with an HIB incident while at school, please click the link to download and complete this form.

Click on a link below to download a pdf for more information on HIB-related policies:

Policy: Policy No. 3207: Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying 
Policy: Procedures Related to Policy No. 3207

For any other questions related to HIB-related policies, please contact Stephanie Leitz, District HIB Compliance Officer, or call her at 360-795-3271.


Other Policies Related to School Safety


Policy: Policy No. 3205 and Procedures 3205P: Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited 
Policy: Policy No. 3210 and Procedures 3210P: Students - Nondiscrimination

For more information on how to make a complaint of unlawful discrimination with your school district, download this flyer (titled Understanding How to Make a Complaint of Unlawful Discrimination with Your School District) or visit the OSPI Equity and Civil Rights Office.

Policy: Policy No. 4210: Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises


Mental Health Awareness and Resources 


National Suicide Prevention

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

National Drug helpline

National Eating Disorders helpline


Internet and Technology Safety - Resources for Parents, Guardians and Family Members


There are always lots of questions about kids and technology. One of the most important things to remember is simply to talk to the young people. If you are a parent, guardian, family member or an adult who interacts with youth, you are invited open the dialog about using technology and the internet safely. Ask questions. Show an interest. Talk! Then, listen.

Not sure how to get the conversation started? Take a moment to check out these resources:

Social Networking, Digital Safety & Cyberbullying — A Tip Sheet for Parents, published by the State of Washington OSPI 

The "Tip Sheet for Parents" also has links to these articles along with links to other outside resources:
Cyberbullying Prevention: Questions Parents Should Ask Their Children About Technology 

Kids Helpline - Cyberbullying
A Student's Guide to Personal Publishing 
Technology Use Contract


The OSPI School Safety Center offers a wide variety of general resources for schools and families to consider for school safety. Many topics are covered, including information on bullying, cyberbullying, prevention, and legislation protecting students.

For any other questions you may have about school safety or other resources you'd like included on this page, please contact Brent Freeman, District Superintendent.

For technical questions and comments regarding this website, including accessibility concerns, please contact the Webmaster.
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